Estimated population of Romania as of December 1, 2011:

21,363,338 ↓

decreasing since July 1, 2010 by:

 1 person every 10 minutes 59 seconds

based on:

1 birth every 2 minutes 34 seconds

1 death every 2 minutes 6 seconds

and a net migration loss of
1 resident every 4 hours 48 minute

The estimated population of Romania at a given date after the census includes births, deaths and net migration (arrivals less departures) of residents during the period between the last census date (March 18, 2002) and the given date and adjusted monthly for the natural growth rate and semi-annually for the net migration. The population clock is updated monthly upon publication by the National Institute of Statistics of the latest data on the population and main demographic phenomena.


Last update: January 12, 2012
